Committed to Impact

Making a
Deeptech start-ups are on a mission to solve global and fundamental issues of the 21st century in a wide range of economic sectors and critical areas such as climate, energy, biodiversity, and healthcare.
By combining both the physical and digital worlds, deeptech opens up new possibilities through a seamless cooperation between fundamental research, applied research and industry.
By financing deeptech start ups, Supernova Invest contributes to creating a positive impact on society measured by the contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
As a management company, Supernova Invest’s commitment is to invest its subscribers’ funds in accordance with its commitments to Responsible investment.
ESG integration
in the investment process
During the analysis of each investment opportunity, our team checks that the company is compatible with the exclusion policy, analyzes the contribution to SDGs and carries out a sustainability risk analysis with a methodology based on the SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) framework. The results of the ESG due diligence is included in the presentation to the investment committee for each new investment. Lastly, an ESG clause is systematically included in the shareholder agreement.
We are engaged in a constructive dialogue with our portfolio companies. Our team supports them in improving their social and environmental responsibility practices by leveraging dedicated internal expertise, ensuring significant progress measured on an annual basis though our ESG questionnaire and by an annual discussion of ESG matters at the Board of our portfolio companies.
Our Commitments
Supernova Invest is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), as well as France Invest’s Investors for Growth Commitment Charterand Charter to promote men and women equality.
The team also supports SISTA, an association which aims to reduce the inequalities in financing between female and male entrepreneurs, and CAPITALES, a non-profit whose mission is to help socially challenged young individuals to get started with their professional life.
Our commitment and approach to ESG are summarized in a Sustainability and Responsible Investment policy, that can be downloaded here.